VUKMAGIT ['forcing']

VUKMAGIT is a Disfodish noun formed from the combination of two verbs, VUKET [to push or apply pressure] and MAGET [to do or make]. It's primary use is to describe acts involving the application of continuous or repeated pressure. In the extreme vernacular it can also refer to the physical act of sexual intercourse between humans or animals, when used in this form it is assumed to involve at least two individuals, and therefore it does not require a prefix to imply the shared nature of the activity (VI-) as in many other Disfodish verbs (VIVUKMAGET could only translate to ?to push each other around?). Two examples of uses of this noun are included below: [1] VELIT NIDIT ZBIDET?T VUKMAGIT (?Is he pushing him/giving him a push?) !, [2] RUVIT VEDIT VUKMAGIT NIDISET (?look , [at] their forcing of each other!/ look they?re fucking!?). VUKMAGIT's antonym is DREKMAGIT which can translate to 'the removal of pressure' or alternatively 'pulling'. It is similarly formed from two verbs, DREKET (?to pull?) and MAGET. In the vernacular, although uncommon, it can also be used to refer to masturbation, although the reflexive pronoun preceding this noun is a more commonly used to represent this concept, i.e. ZIDREKIT (?self-pulling?), ZIZBILIT (?self-playing), ZIBLIZIT (?self-pleasure?). For this reason, DREMAGIT on its own refers to mutual masturbation, although there is no suffix necessary to imply a shared activity. This film has original music composed and performed by the director.

Added 9 years ago from Hclips



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